In our day-to-day life we are using several types of websites to connect with peoples, automate something,research and for education but we don't know how the website works and how we can create our own website with simple codings or with simple tools. 

The website is divided into two major parts Front-end development and Back-end development. In front-end how the viewer sees the website and Back-end is how we tuned the website and how logics and server linked


Frond end website is nothing but a part of the website which the viewer sees the website. It is built by using HTML, CSS, JS, AND BOOTSTRAP.


HTML(Hyper Test Mockup Language) is a mockup coding language but it's not a programming language. This is used to only write the content like paragraphs, inputs, images and etc... In simple, we can call it a bone of our website we can't add color and design to our website but we can give structure to our website.


     CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) is a styling language which we can decorate our website by changing the font, text color, background color, and some animations. This is an important role to enhance the beauty of our website. It the skin of our website.


JS(JavaScript) this the only programming language in the front-end development. This is the brain of our front-end website. This plays a key role in the user experience of our website.


Bootstrap is a framework that is very useful to create our website easier and faster. It includes HTML, CSS, and JS-based design templates for typography, forms, and more elements. It many gives support for Javascript based plugins.

Here are the basics of front-end development. In future I'll teach you Full stalk web development with some projects.