The doctor who doesn't know!

Doctor is the person who is quietly equal to the god. There are many doctors in the world but some are more popular and expensive the reason is their experience and their skills. Skill which is not only for some professionals it is a common this to achieve the success. If you want to be a successful doctor, then know these skills and develop it well as possible


Steps to develop problem-solving skills | by Kanika Modi | Medium
  The common thing which very important for each and every doctor is to fix the problem of every patient. They must know to fix any disease or to do first aid for that problem. This is very important for every doctor.


6 Benefits of Teamwork in the Workplace | Sandler Training

 Team work is quite important for doing any surgery and some operations with more doctors and nurses they had split their job and work together to save the life of the patient. Teamwork is always important for every doctor and nurses.


Performance-Based Decision Making for Business | Semantia
 The special quality of the doctor who I had noticed was taking a decision quickly. Their special quality of skill which lead the patient to live or die. One decision changes the patient life. 

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is not love or lust is also a type of Decision making. In this type they analysis the data of the patient and take the right decision to do surgery or operation.

Attention to detail

Encouraging Employbility Series- Emotional Intelligence |

 They give attention to the details of the patients go solve the problem. They don't do this they will suffer a lot and it makes the value low. Give more attention to the patients details and analysis of the solution for the problem

Listening and communication skill

Listening: Improving the Most Used Communication Skill | Communispond

 The most important and very powerful skills for every doctor is the listing and communication skill. They had to listen the problem of the patient minutely and boost their confident by communicateing them . They must fell confiend and be happy after consulting them

Work in under pressure

 Business men work under pressure photo image_picture free download

 This not that much important but it is sligtly important for absent binded people if the docter working under the pressure they must know what they done what they doing and what they will do.
This skills is not only for doctore this is also important for envey persons in the world.

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